Source code for python2verilog.optimizer.helpers

Optimizer helper functions

import copy

from python2verilog import ir

[docs] def backwards_replace( expr: ir.Expression, mapping: dict[ir.Var, ir.Expression] ) -> ir.Expression: """ If the expression matches a key in the mapping, it is replaced with the corresponding value in the mapping. Note: ignores exclusive vars in replacement process :return: a copy of the updated expression. """ expr = copy.deepcopy(expr) if isinstance(expr, ir.Var): for key in mapping: if key.to_string() == expr.to_string(): return mapping[key] elif isinstance(expr, (ir.UInt, ir.Int)): return expr elif isinstance(expr, (ir.BinOp, ir.UBinOp)): expr.left = backwards_replace(expr.left, mapping) expr.right = backwards_replace(expr.right, mapping) elif isinstance(expr, ir.Ternary): expr.condition = backwards_replace(expr.condition, mapping) expr.left = backwards_replace(expr.left, mapping) expr.right = backwards_replace(expr.right, mapping) elif isinstance(expr, ir.UnaryOp): expr.expr = backwards_replace(expr.expr, mapping) else: raise TypeError(f"{type(expr)} {expr}") return expr