Source code for python2verilog.optimizer.increase_work


import copy
import itertools
import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterator

from python2verilog import ir
from python2verilog.optimizer.helpers import backwards_replace
from python2verilog.utils.peek_counter import PeekCounter
from python2verilog.utils.typed import guard, guard_dict, typed

[docs] class IncreaseWorkPerClockCycle: """ A closure for the increase work per clock cycle optimizer `threshold` (an integer >= 0) tunes how much the code can be unrolled (and duplicated) A larger `threshold` will result in a reduction in clock cycles, but an increase in hardware usage If a python generator function generates all of its outputs in O(n) time: 1) hardware optimized with `threshold=0` completes in O(n) cycles 2) hardware optimized with `threshold=x` for `x > 0` completes in O(n/(x+1)) cycles """ def __init__(self, root: ir.Node, threshold: int = 0): self.visited: set[str] = set() self.threshold = threshold counter = PeekCounter() self.make_unique = self.make_unique_peek = counter.peek self.apply(root)
[docs] @staticmethod def exclusive_vars(variables) -> Iterator[ir.ExclusiveVar]: """ Filters for exclusive variables """ return filter(lambda var: isinstance(var, ir.ExclusiveVar), variables)
[docs] @staticmethod def map_to_ver_name(variables) -> Iterator[str]: """ Maps a variable to its ver_name """ return map(lambda var: var.ver_name, variables)
[docs] @staticmethod def chain_generators( iterable: Iterator[Any], *functions: Callable[[Iterator[Any]], Iterator[Any]] ) -> Iterator[Any]: """ Applies transformations to iterators """ for func in functions: iterable = func(iterable) yield from iterable
[docs] def apply_recursive( self, edge: ir.Edge, new_mapping: dict[ir.Var, ir.Expression], old_mapping: dict[ir.Var, ir.Expression], visited_path: dict[str, int], ) -> ir.Edge: """ Recursively visits the children, conditionally adding them to an optimal path The concept of mapping is as follows: If a = 1 b = a then b == 1, if no clock cycle occurs in-between, at the end of this block, mapping would be {a: 1, b: 1} :param mapping: values of variables, given the previous logic :param visited: visited unique_ids and exclusive vars for this nonclocked sequence """ assert guard(edge, ir.Edge) assert guard_dict(new_mapping, ir.Var, ir.Expression) assert guard_dict(old_mapping, ir.Var, ir.Expression) assert guard(visited_path, dict) for key, value in visited_path.items(): assert isinstance(key, (str, ir.Var)), f"{type(key)}" assert guard(value, int), f"{type(value)}" node = edge.child assert node logging.debug( "%s node %s, new %s, old %s", self.apply_recursive.__name__, node, new_mapping, old_mapping, ) # If clocked, then switch to new mapping if isinstance(edge, ir.ClockedEdge): old_mapping = copy.copy(new_mapping) # Check for cyclic paths if ( node.unique_id in visited_path and visited_path[node.unique_id] > self.threshold ): assert guard(node, ir.Node) self.apply(node) return edge # if "_data = _data__state2_while0_out0" == str(node): # breakpoint() # Exclusive vars can only be visited once exclusive_vars = set(node.exclusions()) if exclusive_vars & visited_path.keys(): logging.debug( "Intersection %s = {%s & %s} ending on %s", exclusive_vars & visited_path.keys(), exclusive_vars, visited_path.keys(), node, ) assert guard(edge, ir.ClockedEdge) assert guard(node, ir.Node) self.apply(node) return edge # Update visited if isinstance(node, ir.AssignNode) and isinstance(node.lvalue, ir.ExclusiveVar): assert guard( node.lvalue.exclusive_group, str ), f"{type(node.lvalue.exclusive_group)}" visited_path[node.lvalue.exclusive_group] = 1 visited_path[node.unique_id] = visited_path.get(node.unique_id, 0) + 1 new_edge: ir.Edge = ir.NonClockedEdge( unique_id=f"{edge.unique_id}_optimal_{self.make_unique()}" ) if isinstance(node, ir.IfElseNode): new_edge.child = ir.IfElseNode( unique_id=f"{node.unique_id}_optimal_{self.make_unique()}", condition=backwards_replace(node.condition, old_mapping), true_edge=self.apply_recursive( edge=node.true_edge, new_mapping=copy.copy(new_mapping), old_mapping=copy.copy(old_mapping), visited_path=copy.copy(visited_path), ), false_edge=self.apply_recursive( edge=node.false_edge, new_mapping=copy.copy(new_mapping), old_mapping=copy.copy(old_mapping), visited_path=copy.copy(visited_path), ), ) elif isinstance(node, ir.AssignNode): unique_id = f"{node.unique_id}_optimal_{self.make_unique()}" new_rvalue = backwards_replace(node.rvalue, old_mapping) new_mapping[node.lvalue] = new_rvalue if node.has_child(): assert guard(node.child, ir.Edge) new_edge.child = ir.AssignNode( unique_id=unique_id, lvalue=node.lvalue, rvalue=new_rvalue, child=self.apply_recursive( edge=node.child, new_mapping=new_mapping, old_mapping=old_mapping, visited_path=visited_path, ), ) else: new_edge.child = node else: raise RuntimeError(f"{type(node)}") return new_edge
[docs] def apply( self, root: ir.Node, ) -> None: """ Optimizes a node, by increasing amount of work done in a cycle. Creates an optimal path that maximizes nonclocked edges. """ assert guard(root, ir.Node) logging.debug("%s on %s", self.apply.__name__, root) if root.unique_id in self.visited: return self.visited.add(root.unique_id) if isinstance(root, ir.BasicNode): mapper: dict[ir.Var, ir.Expression] = {} visited_path: dict[str, int] = {} if isinstance(root, ir.AssignNode): mapper[root.lvalue] = root.rvalue if isinstance(root.lvalue, ir.ExclusiveVar): visited_path[root.lvalue.exclusive_group] = 1 if root.has_child(): assert guard(root.child, ir.Edge) assert guard(root.child.child, ir.Node) root.optimal_child = self.apply_recursive( root.child, mapper, {}, visited_path ) elif isinstance(root, ir.IfElseNode): root.optimal_true_edge = self.apply_recursive(root.true_edge, {}, {}, {}) root.optimal_false_edge = self.apply_recursive(root.false_edge, {}, {}, {}) else: raise RuntimeError(f"{type(root)}")