Source code for python2verilog.utils.env

Special env variable functions

import os
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional


[docs] class Vars(Enum): """ Env var names """ # Set to turn on compute-heavy assertions DEBUG_MODE = PREFIX + "DEBUG" # Path to iverilog IVERILOG_PATH = PREFIX + "IVERILOG_PATH" # Set to enable new SystemVerilog features IS_SYSTEM_VERILOG = PREFIX + "SYSTEM_VERILOG" # Set if no write to filesystem at system exit NO_WRITE_TO_FS = PREFIX + "NO_WRITE_TO_FS" # Add debug comments DEBUG_COMMENTS = PREFIX + "DEBUG_COMMENTS"
[docs] def set_debug_mode(mode: bool): """ Sets the debug mode of package """ if mode: set_var(Vars.DEBUG_MODE, "") else: set_var(Vars.DEBUG_MODE, None)
[docs] def is_debug_mode(): """ :return: True if in debug mode, false otherwise """ return get_var(Vars.DEBUG_MODE) is not None
[docs] def set_var(name: Vars, value: Optional[str]): """ Set an env var """ assert isinstance(name, Vars) assert isinstance(value, (type(None), str)) if value is not None: os.environ[str(name)] = value else: try: del os.environ[str(name)] except KeyError: pass
[docs] def get_var(name: Vars): """ Get an env var """ assert isinstance(name, Vars) return os.getenv(str(name))