Source code for python2verilog.utils.typed

Type assertion utilities
from typing import Any, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union

    from typing import TypeAlias, TypeGuard
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import TypeAlias, TypeGuard

_ValueType = TypeVar("_ValueType")  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
_KeyType = TypeVar("_KeyType")  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
_ClassInfo: TypeAlias = Union[type, tuple["_ClassInfo", ...]]

[docs] def typed_list(list_: Optional[list[Any]], type_: Type[_ValueType]) -> list[_ValueType]: """ Asserts that all elems in list_ are of type_, then returns list_ or [] if list_ is None """ if list_ is None: return [] assert all(guard(elem, type_) for elem in list_) return list_
[docs] def guard_dict( obj: dict[Any, Any], key_type: Type[_KeyType], value_type: Type[_ValueType], ) -> TypeGuard[dict[_KeyType, _ValueType]]: """ Asserts that all key, values in dict_ are correctly typed, """ return ( guard(obj, dict) and all(guard(x, key_type) for x in obj.keys()) and all(guard(x, value_type) for x in obj.values()) )
[docs] def guard(obj: Any, type_: Type[_ValueType]) -> TypeGuard[_ValueType]: """ Type guard for type """ return isinstance(obj, type_)
[docs] def typed( obj: Union[_ValueType, None], type_: Type[_ValueType] ) -> Union[_ValueType, None]: """ Asserts that obj is of type type_, then returns obj or None if obj is None """ assert obj is None or guard(obj, type_), f"{obj} {type(obj)}" return obj
[docs] def typed_strict(obj: Union[_ValueType, None], type_: Type[_ValueType]) -> _ValueType: """ Asserts that obj is of type type_ """ assert guard( obj, type_ ), f"Expected type {type_} got {type(obj)} instead from {obj}" return obj