Source code for python2verilog.backend.verilog.ast

Verilog Abstract Syntax Tree Components

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional

from python2verilog import ir
from python2verilog.utils import env
from python2verilog.utils.generics import GenericRepr
from python2verilog.utils.lines import ImplementsToLines, Indent, Lines
from python2verilog.utils.typed import guard, typed, typed_list, typed_strict

[docs] class AtPosedge(ir.Expression): """ @(posedge <condition>) """ def __init__(self, condition: ir.Expression): assert isinstance(condition, ir.Expression) self.condition = condition super().__init__(f"@(posedge {condition.to_string()})")
[docs] class AtNegedge(ir.Expression): """ @(negedge <condition>) """ def __init__(self, condition: ir.Expression): assert isinstance(condition, ir.Expression) self.condition = condition super().__init__(f"@(negedge {condition.to_string()})")
[docs] class Statement(ImplementsToLines, GenericRepr): """ Represents a statement in verilog (i.e. a line or a block) If used directly, it is treated as a string literal """ def __init__(self, literal: str = "", comment: str = ""): self.literal = typed(literal, str) self.comment = typed(comment, str)
[docs] def to_lines(self): """ To Verilog """ if self.literal: return Lines(self.literal + self.get_inline_comment()) return Lines(self.get_inline_comment()[1:]) # removes leading space
[docs] def get_inline_comment(self): """ // <comment> """ if self.comment != "": return f" // {self.comment}" return ""
[docs] def get_blocked_comment(self): """ // <comment> ... // <comment> Separated by newlines """ assert guard(self.comment, str) actual_lines = self.comment.split("\n") lines = Lines() for line in actual_lines: lines += f"// {line}" return lines
[docs] class LocalParam(Statement): """ localparam <name> = <value>; """ def __init__(self, name: str, value: ir.UInt, *args, **kwargs): assert isinstance(value, ir.UInt) super().__init__(f"localparam {name} = {value.verilog()};", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class TypeDef(Statement): """ typedef enum { <val0>, <val1>, ... } _state_t; """ def __init__(self, name: str, values: list[str]): = typed(name, str) self.values = typed_list(values, str) super().__init__()
[docs] def to_lines(self): lines = Lines("typedef enum") lines += "{" values = Lines() for value in self.values[:-1]: values += f"{value}," values += f"{self.values[-1]}" lines.concat(values, indent=1) lines += f"}} {};" # condense lines = Lines(lines.to_string().replace("\n", "").replace(" ", "")) return lines
[docs] class AtPosedgeStatement(Statement): """ @(posedge <condition>); """ def __init__(self, condition: ir.Expression, *args, **kwargs): assert isinstance(condition, ir.Expression) super().__init__(f"{AtPosedge(condition).to_string()};", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class AtNegedgeStatement(Statement): """ @(negedge <condition>); """ def __init__(self, condition: ir.Expression, *args, **kwargs): assert isinstance(condition, ir.Expression) super().__init__(f"{AtNegedge(condition).to_string()};", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class Instantiation(Statement): """ Instantiationo f Verilog module. <module-name> <given-name> (...); """ def __init__( self, module_name: str, given_name: str, port_connections: dict[str, str], *args, **kwargs, ): """ port_connections[port_name] = signal_name, i.e. `.port_name(signal_name)` """ assert isinstance(given_name, str) assert isinstance(module_name, str) for key, val in port_connections.items(): assert isinstance(key, str) assert isinstance(val, str) self.given_name = given_name self.module_name = module_name self.port_connections = port_connections super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_lines(self): """ To Verilog """ lines = Lines() lines += f"{self.module_name} {self.given_name} (" for key, val in self.port_connections.items(): lines += Indent(1) + f".{key}({val})," lines[-1] = lines[-1][:-1] # Remove last comma lines += Indent(1) + ");" return lines
[docs] class Module(ImplementsToLines): """ module name(...); endmodule """ def __init__( self, name: str, body: Optional[list[Statement]] = None, localparams: Optional[dict[str, ir.UInt]] = None, header: Optional[Lines] = None, ): = name self.inputs = Lines() self.outputs = Lines() if body: for stmt in body: assert isinstance(stmt, Statement), f"got {type(stmt)} instead" self.body = body else: self.body = [] if localparams: if env.get_var(env.Vars.IS_SYSTEM_VERILOG) is not None: self.local_params = Lines("// State variables") self.local_params.concat( TypeDef("_state_t", list(localparams.keys())).to_lines() ) self.local_params += "_state_t _state;" else: self.local_params = Lines("// State variables") for key, value in localparams.items(): self.local_params.concat(LocalParam(key, value).to_lines()) self.local_params.concat(Declaration("_state", reg=True).to_lines()) else: self.local_params = Lines() self.header_comment = header
[docs] def to_lines(self): """ To Verilog """ if self.header_comment: lines = Lines(self.header_comment.lines) else: lines = Lines() lines += f"module {} (" lines.concat(self.inputs, indent=1) lines.concat(self.outputs, indent=1) if self.inputs or self.outputs: # This means there are ports lines[-1] = lines[-1][0:-1] # removes last comma lines += ");" lines.concat(self.local_params, 1) for stmt in self.body: lines.concat(stmt.to_lines(), 1) lines += "endmodule" lines.blank() return lines
[docs] class Initial(Statement): """ initial begin ... end """ def __init__(self, *args, body: Optional[list[Statement]] = None, **kwargs): if body: typed_list(body, Statement) self.body = body super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_lines(self): lines = Lines("initial begin") if self.body: for stmt in self.body: lines.concat(stmt.to_lines(), 1) lines += "end" return lines
[docs] class Always(Statement): """ always () begin ... end """ def __init__( self, trigger: ir.Expression, *args, body: Optional[list[Statement]] = None, **kwargs, ): assert isinstance(trigger, ir.Expression) self.trigger = trigger if body: for stmt in body: assert isinstance(stmt, Statement) self.body = body else: self.body = [] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_lines(self): """ To Verilog """ lines = Lines(f"always {self.trigger.verilog()} begin") for stmt in self.body: lines.concat(stmt.to_lines(), 1) lines += "end" return lines
[docs] class PosedgeSyncAlways(Always): """ always @(posedge <clock>) begin <valid> = 0; end """ def __init__(self, clock: ir.Expression, *args, **kwargs): assert isinstance(clock, ir.Expression) self.clock = clock super().__init__(AtPosedge(clock), *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class Subsitution(Statement): """ Interface for <lvalue> <blocking or nonblocking> <rvalue> """ def __init__( self, lvalue: ir.Var, rvalue: ir.Expression, oper: str, *args, **kwargs, ): assert isinstance(rvalue, (ir.Expression)), f"got {type(rvalue)} instead" assert isinstance(lvalue, (ir.Expression)), f"{lvalue}" self.lvalue = lvalue self.rvalue = rvalue self.oper = oper super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_lines(self): """ Converts to Verilog """ assert isinstance(self.oper, str), "Subclasses need to set self.type" self.literal = f"{self.lvalue.verilog()} {self.oper} {self.rvalue.verilog()};" return super().to_lines()
[docs] class NonBlockingSubsitution(Subsitution): """ <lvalue> <= <rvalue> """ def __init__(self, lvalue: ir.Var, rvalue: ir.Expression, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(lvalue, rvalue, "<=", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class BlockingSub(Subsitution): """ <lvalue> = <rvalue> """ def __init__(self, lvalue: ir.Var, rvalue: ir.Expression, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(lvalue, rvalue, "=", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class Declaration(Statement): """ <reg or wire> <modifiers> <[size-1:0]> <name>; """ def __init__( self, name: str, *args, size: int = 32, reg: bool = False, signed: bool = False, **kwargs, ): self.size = typed_strict(size, int) self.reg = typed_strict(reg, bool) self.signed = typed_strict(signed, bool) = typed_strict(name, str) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_lines(self): """ To Verilog lines """ string = "" if self.reg: string += "reg" else: string += "wire" if self.signed: string += " signed" if self.size > 1: string += f" [{self.size-1}:0]" string += f" {}" string += ";" return Lines(string)
[docs] class CaseItem(ImplementsToLines): """ Verilog case item, i.e. <condition>: begin <statements> end """ def __init__(self, condition: ir.Expression, statements: list[Statement]): assert isinstance(condition, ir.Expression) self.condition = condition # Can these by expressions are only literals? if statements: for stmt in statements: assert isinstance(stmt, Statement), f"unexpected {type(stmt)}" self.statements = statements else: self.statements = []
[docs] def to_lines(self): """ To Verilog lines """ lines = Lines() lines += f"{self.condition.to_string()}: begin" for stmt in self.statements: lines.concat(stmt.to_lines(), indent=1) lines += "end" return lines
[docs] class Case(Statement): """ Verilog case statement with various cases case (<expression>) <items[0]> ... <items[n]> endcase """ def __init__( self, expression: ir.Expression, case_items: list[CaseItem], *args, **kwargs ): assert isinstance(expression, ir.Expression) self.condition = expression if case_items: for item in case_items: assert isinstance(item, CaseItem) self.case_items = case_items else: self.case_items = [] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_lines(self): """ To Verilog Lines """ if len(self.case_items) == 0: return Lines(f"// case({self.condition})\n//Empty case block\n// endcase") lines = Lines() lines += f"case ({self.condition.to_string()})" for item in self.case_items: lines.concat(item.to_lines(), indent=1) lines += "endcase" return lines
[docs] class IfElse(Statement): """ Verilog if else """ def __init__( self, condition: ir.Expression, then_body: list[Statement], else_body: Optional[list[Statement]], *args, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.condition = typed_strict(condition, ir.Expression) self.then_body = typed_list(then_body, Statement) self.else_body = typed_list(else_body, Statement)
[docs] def to_lines(self): lines = Lines() lines += f"if ({self.condition.verilog()}) begin" + ( f" // {self.comment}" if self.comment else "" ) for stmt in self.then_body: lines.concat(stmt.to_lines(), indent=1) if self.else_body: lines += "end else begin" for stmt in self.else_body: lines.concat(stmt.to_lines(), indent=1) lines += "end" return lines
[docs] class While(Statement): """ Unsynthesizable While while (<condition>) begin ... end """ def __init__( self, *args, condition: ir.Expression, body: Optional[list[Statement]] = None, **kwargs, ): assert isinstance(condition, ir.Expression) self.condition = condition if body: typed_list(body, Statement) self.body = body super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_lines(self): lines = Lines(f"while ({self.condition.to_string()}) begin") if self.body: for stmt in self.body: lines.concat(stmt.to_lines(), 1) lines += "end" return lines