Source code for python2verilog.exceptions

import ast

from import Var

[docs] class UnknownValueError(Exception): """ An unexpected 'x' or 'z' was encountered in simulation """
[docs] class UnsupportedSyntaxError(Exception): """ Python syntax was not within the supported subset """ def __init__(self, msg: object) -> None: super().__init__( msg, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_pyast(cls, node: ast.AST, name: str): """ Based on AST error """ inst = cls( f"Unsupported Python syntax `{ast.unparse(node)}` found in function " f"`{name}` as {ast.dump(node)}" ) return inst
[docs] class StaticTypingError(Exception): """ Variable changed type dynamically. Currently requires strongly typed variables. """ def __init__(self, *args: object) -> None: super().__init__( *args, )
[docs] class TypeInferenceError(Exception): """ Type inferrence failed, either use the function in code or provide type hints """ def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: """ :param name: function name """ msg = ( f"Input/output type inferrence failed for function `{name}`, " "either use the function in Python code or provide type hints", ) super().__init__(msg)