Source code for

The context of a generator

Includes the function, its representation and its usage information
from __future__ import annotations

import ast
import copy
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from itertools import zip_longest
from types import FunctionType
from typing import Any, Optional

from python2verilog.api.modes import Modes
from python2verilog.exceptions import StaticTypingError, TypeInferenceError
from import ExclusiveVar, State, Var
from import Instance
from import ProtocolSignals
from python2verilog.utils.generics import GenericReprAndStr
from python2verilog.utils.typed import guard, typed, typed_list, typed_strict

[docs] @dataclass class Context(GenericReprAndStr): """ Context needed by the Intermediate Representation E.g. variables, I/O, parameters, localparam """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes, too-many-public-methods _frozen: bool = False # Make immutable name: str = "" testbench_suffix: str = "_tb" is_generator: bool = False prefix: str = "" test_cases: list[tuple[int, ...]] = field(default_factory=list) py_func: Optional[FunctionType] = None py_string: Optional[str] = None _py_ast: Optional[ast.FunctionDef] = None input_types: Optional[list[type[Any]]] = None output_types: Optional[list[type[Any]]] = None optimization_level: int = -1 mode: Modes = Modes.NO_WRITE _local_vars: list[Var] = field(default_factory=list) _input_vars: Optional[list[Var]] = None _output_vars: Optional[list[ExclusiveVar]] = None _states: set[str] = field(default_factory=set) signals: ProtocolSignals = ProtocolSignals() state_var: Var = Var("state") _done_state: State = State("_state_done") idle_state: State = State("_state_idle") _entry_state: Optional[State] = None # Function calls namespace: dict[str, Context] = field(default_factory=dict) # callable functions generator_instances: dict[str, Instance] = field( default_factory=dict ) # generator instances
[docs] def freeze(self): """ Freeze this context to be immutable """ self._frozen = True
def __setattr__(self, attr, value): if self._frozen: raise AttributeError("Frozen") return super().__setattr__(attr, value)
[docs] @classmethod def empty_valid(cls): """ Creates an empty but valid context for testing purposes """ cxt = cls() cxt.input_types = [] cxt.input_vars = [] cxt.output_types = [] cxt._output_vars = [] return cxt
@property def testbench_name(self) -> str: """ Returns test bench module name in the generated verilog """ return f"{}{self.testbench_suffix}" def _use_input_type_hints(self): """ Uses input type hints """ def input_mapper(arg: ast.arg) -> type[Any]: """ Maps a string annotation id to type """ assert arg.annotation, f"No type hint annotation on argument {arg.arg}" assert isinstance(arg.annotation, ast.Name) if == "int": return type(0) raise TypeError(f"{ast.dump(arg)}")"Using type hints of %s for input types", input_args: list[ast.arg] = self.py_ast.args.args assert isinstance(input_args, list), f"{ast.dump(self.py_ast)}" try: self.input_types = list(map(input_mapper, input_args)) except Exception as e: raise TypeInferenceError( from e def _use_output_type_hints(self): """ Use output type hints """ def output_mapper(arg: ast.Name) -> type[Any]: """ Maps a string annotation id to type """ assert arg, "No return type hint annotation" if == "int": return type(0) raise TypeError(f"{ast.dump(arg)}")"Using type hints of %s for return types", output_args: list[ast.Name] if isinstance(self.py_ast.returns, ast.Subscript): assert isinstance(self.py_ast.returns.slice, ast.Tuple) output_args = [] for elt in self.py_ast.returns.slice.elts: assert guard(elt, ast.Name) output_args.append(elt) else: output_args = [self.py_ast.returns] assert isinstance(output_args, list), f"{ast.dump(self.py_ast)}" try: self.output_types = list(map(output_mapper, output_args)) except Exception as e: raise TypeInferenceError( from e self.default_output_vars()
[docs] def validate(self): """ Validates that all fields of context are populated. Populate input & output types from type hints if they're not determined :return: self """ assert isinstance(self.py_ast, ast.FunctionDef), self assert isinstance(self.py_func, FunctionType), self if self.input_types is None: self._use_input_type_hints() assert isinstance(self.input_types, list), self assert isinstance(self.input_vars, list), self if self.output_types is None: self._use_output_type_hints() assert isinstance(self.output_types, list), self assert isinstance(self._output_vars, list), self assert isinstance(self.optimization_level, int), self assert self.optimization_level >= 0, f"{self.optimization_level} {}" if self._entry_state: assert str(self.entry_state) in self.states, self for value in self.signals.variable_values(): assert typed(value, Var) return self
@property def py_ast(self): """ Python ast node rooted at function """ assert isinstance(self._py_ast, ast.FunctionDef) return copy.deepcopy(self._py_ast) @py_ast.setter def py_ast(self, other: ast.FunctionDef): assert isinstance(other, ast.FunctionDef) self._py_ast = other @property def entry_state(self): """ The first state that does work in the graph representation """ assert isinstance(self._entry_state, State), self return copy.deepcopy(self._entry_state) @entry_state.setter def entry_state(self, other: State): assert isinstance(other, State) self._entry_state = other @property def done_state(self): """ The ready state """ assert isinstance(self._done_state, State), self return copy.deepcopy(self._done_state) @done_state.setter def done_state(self, other: State): assert isinstance(other, State) self._done_state = other @property def input_vars(self) -> list[Var]: """ Input variables """ assert guard(self._input_vars, list) return copy.deepcopy(self._input_vars) @input_vars.setter def input_vars(self, other: list[Var]): self._input_vars = typed_list(other, Var) @property def output_vars(self) -> list[Var]: """ Output variables """ assert guard(self._output_vars, list), f"Unknown output variables {self}" return copy.deepcopy(self._output_vars)
[docs] def default_output_vars(self): """ Sets own output vars to default based on number of output variables """ assert self.output_types is not None self._output_vars = [ ExclusiveVar(f"{self.prefix}_output_{i}") for i in range(len(self.output_types)) ]
[docs] def refresh_input_output_vars(self): """ Update input vars with prefix """ self._input_vars = list( map(lambda x: self.make_var(x.py_name), self.input_vars), ) self.default_output_vars()
@property def local_vars(self) -> list[Var]: """ Gets local variables """ return copy.deepcopy(self._local_vars)
[docs] def add_local_var(self, var: Var): """ Appends to global vars with restrictions. Good for appending Vars created from Python source """ assert var.py_name.startswith(self.prefix) prefixless = var.py_name[len(self.prefix) :] if len(prefixless) != 1: # A local var named "_" with no additional characters is ok assert not prefixless.startswith("_"), ( 'Local variables beginning with "_" ' f"with more than one character are reserved {var.py_name}" ) return self.add_special_local_var(var)
[docs] def add_special_local_var(self, var: Var): """ Appends to local vars without restrictions. Good for appending Vars created internally (e.g. inline function calls) """ if var.py_name in self.generator_instances: raise StaticTypingError( f"Variable `{var.py_name}` changed type from generator" f" instance to another type in {}" ) if var not in (*self._local_vars, *self.input_vars, *self.output_vars): self._local_vars.append(typed_strict(var, Var))
@property def states(self): """ State variables """ return copy.deepcopy(self._states)
[docs] def add_state(self, name: str): """ Add a state, making sure no pre-existing state what that name exists """ if name in self._states: raise RuntimeError(f"Attempting to add {name} when it already exists") self.add_state_weak(name)
[docs] def add_state_weak(self, name: str): """ Add a state """ assert isinstance(name, str) self._states.add(name)
def _check_types( self, expected_types: list[type[Any]], actual_values: list[type[Any]] ): for expected, actual in zip_longest( expected_types, actual_values, fillvalue=type(None) ): assert isinstance( actual, expected ), f"Expected {expected}, got {type(actual)}, with value {actual}, \ in call to {}"
[docs] def check_input_types(self, input_): """ Checks if input to functions' types matches previous inputs """ assert guard(self.input_types, list) self._check_types(self.input_types, input_)
[docs] def check_output_types(self, output): """ Checks if outputs to functions' types matches previous outputs """ assert guard(self.output_types, list) self._check_types(self.output_types, output)
[docs] def create_generator_instance(self, name: str) -> Instance: """ Create generator instance """ self.validate() inst_input_vars: list[Var] = list( map( lambda var: ExclusiveVar(f"{name}_{}_{var.py_name}"), self.input_vars, ) ) inst_output_vars: list[Var] = list( map( lambda var: ExclusiveVar(f"{name}_{}_{var.py_name}"), self.output_vars, ) ) signals = ProtocolSignals(prefix=f"{self.prefix}{}_{name}__") return Instance(, Var(name), inst_input_vars, inst_output_vars, signals, )
[docs] def make_var(self, name: str) -> Var: """ Makes a variable with own prefix """ return Var(py_name=f"{self.prefix}{name}", ver_name=f"_{self.prefix}{name}")