
Submodules module

The context of a generator

Includes the function, its representation and its usage information

class Context(_frozen: bool = False, name: str = '', testbench_suffix: str = '_tb', is_generator: bool = False, prefix: str = '', test_cases: list[tuple[int, ...]] = <factory>, py_func: function | None = None, py_string: str | None = None, _py_ast: ~ast.FunctionDef | None = None, input_types: list[type[~typing.Any]] | None = None, output_types: list[type[~typing.Any]] | None = None, optimization_level: int = -1, mode: ~python2verilog.api.modes.Modes = Modes.NO_WRITE, _local_vars: list[] = <factory>, _input_vars: list[] | None = None, _output_vars: list[] | None = None, _states: set[str] = <factory>, signals: = < object>, state_var: = _state, _done_state: = _state_done, idle_state: = _state_idle, _entry_state: | None = None, namespace: dict[str,] = <factory>, generator_instances: dict[str,] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: GenericReprAndStr

Context needed by the Intermediate Representation E.g. variables, I/O, parameters, localparam

add_local_var(var: Var)[source]

Appends to global vars with restrictions.

Good for appending Vars created from Python source

add_special_local_var(var: Var)[source]

Appends to local vars without restrictions.

Good for appending Vars created internally (e.g. inline function calls)

add_state(name: str)[source]

Add a state, making sure no pre-existing state what that name exists

add_state_weak(name: str)[source]

Add a state


Checks if input to functions’ types matches previous inputs


Checks if outputs to functions’ types matches previous outputs

create_generator_instance(name: str) Instance[source]

Create generator instance


Sets own output vars to default based on number of output variables

property done_state

The ready state

classmethod empty_valid()[source]

Creates an empty but valid context for testing purposes

property entry_state

The first state that does work in the graph representation


Freeze this context to be immutable

generator_instances: dict[str, Instance]
idle_state: State = _state_idle
input_types: list[type[Any]] | None = None
property input_vars: list[Var]

Input variables

is_generator: bool = False
property local_vars: list[Var]

Gets local variables

make_var(name: str) Var[source]

Makes a variable with own prefix

mode: Modes = 0
name: str = ''
namespace: dict[str, Context]
optimization_level: int = -1
output_types: list[type[Any]] | None = None
property output_vars: list[Var]

Output variables

prefix: str = ''
property py_ast

Python ast node rooted at function

py_func: function | None = None
py_string: str | None = None

Update input vars with prefix

signals: ProtocolSignals = < object>
state_var: Var = _state
property states

State variables

test_cases: list[tuple[int, ...]]
property testbench_name: str

Returns test bench module name in the generated verilog

testbench_suffix: str = '_tb'

Validates that all fields of context are populated.

Populate input & output types from type hints if they’re not determined


self module

Intermediate Representation Expressions

Represents the subset of Python expressions that are synthesizable

class Add(left: Expression, right: Expression)[source]

Bases: BinOp

<left> + <right>

class BinOp(left: Expression, oper: str, right: Expression)[source]

Bases: UBinOp

<left> <op> <right>

In verilog the signed specifier is used. For mixed unsigned and signed operations, the following page explains well


To Verilog

class Div(left: Expression, right: Expression)[source]

Bases: BinOp

<left> / <right>

class ExclusiveVar(py_name: str, ver_name: str = '', width: int = 32, is_signed: bool = True, initial_value: str = '0', exclusive_group: str | None = None, **_)[source]

Bases: Var

Exclusive Variable

Can only be set once before a clock cycle must occur, used by the optimizer to determine if it needs to make a edge clocked or not

class Expression(string: str)[source]

Bases: GenericRepr

An expression that can be equated

to_string() str[source]

To String

verilog() str[source]

In Verilog syntax

class FloorDiv(left: Expression, right: Expression)[source]

Bases: BinOp

<left> // <right>

Follows Python conventions



class Int(value: int)[source]

Bases: Expression

Signed integer literal

to_string() str[source]


verilog() str[source]

In Verilog

class LessThan(left: Expression, right: Expression)[source]

Bases: UBinOp

<left> < <right>

class Mod(left: Expression, right: Expression)[source]

Bases: BinOp

<left> % <right>





class Mul(left: Expression, right: Expression)[source]

Bases: BinOp

<left> * <right>

class Pow(left: Expression, right: Expression)[source]

Bases: UBinOp

<left> ** <right>

class State(name, width: int = 32, isSigned: bool = True, initial_value: str = '0')[source]

Bases: Var

State constant

class Sub(left: Expression, right: Expression)[source]

Bases: BinOp

<left> - <right>

class Ternary(condition: Expression, left: Expression, right: Expression)[source]

Bases: Expression

<condition> ? <left> : <right>


To String


In Verilog syntax

class UBinOp(left: Expression, oper: str, right: Expression)[source]

Bases: Expression

Unsigned BinOp Is usually better for comparators


To String


To Verilog

class UInt(value: int)[source]

Bases: Expression

Unsigned integer literal

class UnaryOp(oper: str, expr: Expression)[source]

Bases: Expression






class Unknown[source]

Bases: Expression

Unknown or “don’t care” value

class Var(py_name: str, ver_name: str = '', width: int = 32, is_signed: bool = True, initial_value: str = '0', **_)[source]

Bases: Expression

Named-variable module

Graph representation of the logic

Naming convention: Vertex Edge Element := Vertex | Edge

class AssignNode(unique_id: str, *args, lvalue: Var, rvalue: Expression, child: Edge | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BasicNode

Represents a non-blocking assignment, i.e. assignments that do not block the execution of the next statements, without a clock cycle having to pass


Yields all exclusion groups that will be read or written to within this group of nonclocked nodes.

The reason reads are also included is because checking a callee’s ready signal more than once in a clock cycle is usually incorrect.

class BasicElement(unique_id: str, *args, child: Element | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Element

Basic element with a single child

property child: Element

child or optimal_child if no child


Gets children of node

has_child() bool[source]

Returns True if has child

property optimal_child

Optimal child or child otherwise

visit_nonclocked() Iterator[Element][source]

Yields self and recursively yields optimal nonclocked children of element


[children_branch_0, children_branch_1, …]

class BasicNode(unique_id: str, *args, child: Edge | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Node, BasicElement

Basic node. Has one child.

property edge: Edge

Gets edge

class ClockedEdge(unique_id: str, *args, child: Element | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Edge

Represents a clocked edge, i.e. a clock cycle has to pass for the next node to be executed


Yields all exclusion groups that will be read or written to within this group of nonclocked nodes.

The reason reads are also included is because checking a callee’s ready signal more than once in a clock cycle is usually incorrect.

class Edge(unique_id: str, *args, child: Element | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BasicElement

Represents an edge between two vertices


Gets edge name

class Element(unique_id: str, name: str = '')[source]

Bases: object

Element, base class for vertex or edge

children() Iterator[Element][source]

Gets children of node

exclusions() Iterator[str][source]

Yields all exclusion groups that will be read or written to within this group of nonclocked nodes.

The reason reads are also included is because checking a callee’s ready signal more than once in a clock cycle is usually incorrect.

view_children() str[source]

Views children of node

visit_nonclocked() Iterator[Element][source]

Yields self and recursively yields optimal nonclocked children of element


[children_branch_0, children_branch_1, …]

class IfElseNode(unique_id: str, *args, true_edge: Edge, false_edge: Edge, condition: Expression, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Node, Element

Represents an if-else statement

children() Iterator[Edge][source]

Gets edges


Yields all exclusion groups that will be read or written to within this group of nonclocked nodes.

The reason reads are also included is because checking a callee’s ready signal more than once in a clock cycle is usually incorrect.

property optimal_false_edge

optimal false edge

property optimal_true_edge

optimal true edge or edge otherwise

visit_nonclocked() Iterator[Element][source]

Yields self and recursively yields optimal nonclocked children of element


[children_branch_0, children_branch_1, …]

class Node(unique_id: str, name: str = '')[source]

Bases: Element


class NonClockedEdge(unique_id: str, *args, child: Element | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Edge

Represents a non-clocked edge, i.e. no clock cycle has to pass for the next node to be executed


Yields all exclusion groups that will be read or written to within this group of nonclocked nodes.

The reason reads are also included is because checking a callee’s ready signal more than once in a clock cycle is usually incorrect.

create_cytoscape_elements(node: Element)[source]

Creates adjacency list from a node

Assumes names are unique

create_networkx_adjacency_list(node: Element)[source]

Creates adjacency list from a node

Assumes names are unique

get_variables(exp: Expression) Iterator[Var][source]

Gets variables from expression module

An instance of a generator

Can be created from a context

class Instance(module_name: str, var: Var, inputs: list[Var], outputs: list[Var], signals: ProtocolSignals)[source]

Bases: object

  • module_name – generator function name

  • var – variable name assigned to generator instance

inputs: list[Var]
module_name: str
outputs: list[Var]
signals: ProtocolSignals
var: Var module

Protocol signals used by the converter

class InstanceSignals(prefix: str = '')[source]

Bases: object

Signals that are often named differently for each instance

static apply_prefix(name: str, prefix: str)[source]

Creates a Var with prefix

class ProtocolSignals(prefix: str = '')[source]

Bases: InstanceSignals

Protocol signals

Includes ready, valid, clock, reset, done, etc.

instance_specific_items() Iterator[tuple[str, Var]][source]

Get the instance-specific signals

instance_specific_values() Iterator[Var][source]

Get the instance-specific signals

variable_items() Iterator[tuple[str, Var]][source]

Key, Value pairs

variable_values() Iterator[Var][source]


Module contents

Intermediate Representation

A Control Flow Graph represented as a Directed Graph