Source code for

Graph representation of the logic

Naming convention:
Element := Vertex | Edge

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Iterator, Optional

from import expressions as expr
from python2verilog.utils.typed import guard, typed, typed_strict

[docs] def get_variables(exp: expr.Expression) -> Iterator[expr.Var]: """ Gets variables from expression """ if isinstance(exp, expr.UBinOp): yield from get_variables(exp.left) yield from get_variables(exp.right) elif isinstance(exp, expr.UnaryOp): yield from get_variables(exp.expr) elif isinstance(exp, expr.Var): yield exp elif isinstance(exp, (expr.UInt, expr.Int)): pass else: raise RuntimeError(f"{type(exp)}")
[docs] class Element: """ Element, base class for vertex or edge """ def __init__(self, unique_id: str, name: str = ""): = typed_strict(name, str) self.unique_id = typed_strict(unique_id, str) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.unique_id) def __eq__(self, __value: object): if isinstance(__value, Element): return self.unique_id == __value.unique_id return False
[docs] def visit_nonclocked(self) -> Iterator[Element]: """ Yields self and recursively yields optimal nonclocked children of element :return: [children_branch_0, children_branch_1, ...] """ yield from ()
[docs] def view_children(self) -> str: """ Views children of node """ return str(list(self.visit_nonclocked()))
[docs] def children(self) -> Iterator[Element]: """ Gets children of node """ yield from ()
[docs] def exclusions(self) -> Iterator[str]: """ Yields all exclusion groups that will be read or written to within this group of nonclocked nodes. The reason reads are also included is because checking a callee's ready signal more than once in a clock cycle is usually incorrect. """ yield from ()
[docs] class BasicElement(Element): """ Basic element with a single child """ def __init__( self, unique_id: str, *args, child: Optional[Element] = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(unique_id, *args, **kwargs) self._child = typed(child, Element) self._optimal_child: Optional[Element] = None
[docs] def visit_nonclocked(self) -> Iterator[Element]: if isinstance(self, ClockedEdge): yield self yield self.optimal_child elif self.optimal_child: yield self yield from self.optimal_child.visit_nonclocked()
@property def child(self) -> Element: """ child or optimal_child if no child """ assert self._child, f"{self} {self.view_children()}" return typed_strict(self._child, Element) @child.setter def child(self, other: Element): self._child = typed_strict(other, Element)
[docs] def has_child(self) -> bool: """ Returns True if has child """ return self._child is not None
[docs] def children(self): if self._child: yield self._child if self._optimal_child: yield self._optimal_child
@property def optimal_child(self): """ Optimal child or child otherwise """ return self._optimal_child if self._optimal_child else self._child @optimal_child.setter def optimal_child(self, other: Element): self._optimal_child = typed_strict(other, Element)
[docs] class Node(Element): """ Vertex """ def __repr__(self) -> str: return
[docs] class IfElseNode(Node, Element): """ Represents an if-else statement """ def __init__( self, unique_id: str, *args, true_edge: Edge, false_edge: Edge, condition: expr.Expression, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(unique_id, *args, **kwargs) self.true_edge = typed_strict(true_edge, Edge) self.false_edge = typed_strict(false_edge, Edge) self.condition = typed_strict(condition, expr.Expression) self._optimal_true_edge: Optional[Edge] = None self._optimal_false_edge: Optional[Edge] = None @property def optimal_true_edge(self): """ optimal true edge or edge otherwise """ return self._optimal_true_edge if self._optimal_true_edge else self.true_edge @optimal_true_edge.setter def optimal_true_edge(self, other: Edge): self._optimal_true_edge = typed_strict(other, Edge) @property def optimal_false_edge(self): """ optimal false edge """ return self._optimal_false_edge if self._optimal_false_edge else self.false_edge @optimal_false_edge.setter def optimal_false_edge(self, other: Edge): self._optimal_false_edge = typed_strict(other, Edge)
[docs] def children(self) -> Iterator[Edge]: """ Gets edges """ if self.true_edge: yield self.true_edge if self.false_edge: yield self.false_edge if self._optimal_true_edge: yield self._optimal_true_edge if self._optimal_false_edge: yield self._optimal_false_edge
[docs] def exclusions(self): for var in get_variables(self.condition): if isinstance(var, expr.ExclusiveVar): yield var.exclusive_group yield from self.optimal_true_edge.exclusions() yield from self.optimal_false_edge.exclusions()
def __repr__(self): return f"If{self.condition}"
[docs] def visit_nonclocked(self) -> Iterator[Element]: yield self yield Node(unique_id="", name="True Branch") yield from self.optimal_true_edge.visit_nonclocked() yield Node(unique_id="", name="False Branch") yield from self.optimal_false_edge.visit_nonclocked()
[docs] class BasicNode(Node, BasicElement): """ Basic node. Has one child. """ def __init__(self, unique_id: str, *args, child: Edge | None = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(unique_id, *args, **kwargs) self._child = child @property def edge(self) -> Edge: """ Gets edge """ assert guard(self._child, Edge) return self._child @edge.setter def edge(self, other: Edge): assert guard(other, Edge) self._child = other
[docs] class AssignNode(BasicNode): """ Represents a non-blocking assignment, i.e. assignments that do not block the execution of the next statements, without a clock cycle having to pass """ def __init__( self, unique_id: str, *args, lvalue: expr.Var, rvalue: expr.Expression, child: Optional[Edge] = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(unique_id, *args, child=child, **kwargs) self.lvalue = typed_strict(lvalue, expr.Var) self.rvalue = typed_strict(rvalue, expr.Expression) self._child = typed(child, Edge) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.lvalue} = {self.rvalue}"
[docs] def exclusions(self): for var in get_variables(self.lvalue): if isinstance(var, expr.ExclusiveVar): yield var.exclusive_group yield from get_variables(self.rvalue) if self._child: yield from self.child.exclusions()
[docs] class Edge(BasicElement): """ Represents an edge between two vertices """ def __init__(self, unique_id: str, *args, child: Element | None = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(unique_id, *args, child=child, **kwargs) self._child = child
[docs] def get_name(self): """ Gets edge name """ return
[docs] class NonClockedEdge(Edge): """ Represents a non-clocked edge, i.e. no clock cycle has to pass for the next node to be executed """
[docs] def exclusions(self): yield from self.child.exclusions()
def __repr__(self) -> str: return "=>"
[docs] class ClockedEdge(Edge): """ Represents a clocked edge, i.e. a clock cycle has to pass for the next node to be executed """
[docs] def exclusions(self): yield from ()
def __repr__(self): return "=/>"
[docs] def create_networkx_adjacency_list(node: Element): """ Creates adjacency list from a node Assumes names are unique """ adjacency_list = {} def traverse_graph(curr_node: Element, visited: set[Element]): if not curr_node: return nonlocal adjacency_list if curr_node in visited: return visited.add(curr_node) children = curr_node.children() adjacency_list[curr_node] = children for child in children: traverse_graph(child, visited) traverse_graph(node, set()) return adjacency_list
[docs] def create_cytoscape_elements(node: Element): """ Creates adjacency list from a node Assumes names are unique """ nodes = [] edges = [] def traverse_graph(curr_node: Element, visited: set[str]): if not curr_node: return nonlocal nodes if curr_node.unique_id in visited: return visited.add(curr_node.unique_id) children = curr_node.children() if not isinstance(curr_node, Edge): nodes.append( { "data": { "id": curr_node.unique_id, "label": str(curr_node), "class": str(curr_node.__class__.__name__), } } ) for child in curr_node.children(): assert guard(child, BasicElement) edges.append( { "data": { "source": curr_node.unique_id, "target": child.child.unique_id, "class": str(child.__class__.__name__), "label": str(child), } } ) for child in children: assert guard(child, BasicElement) traverse_graph(child.child, visited) traverse_graph(node, set()) return {"nodes": nodes, "edges": edges}